At-Risk Behavior Intervention

At-Risk Behavior InterventionAt-Risk Behavior Intervention by BIOKINETIX uses industrial ergonomics and safety professionals who record data to extract trends and identify mitigation techniques for specific work-related tasks. This is a no-name, no-blame approach with employees that ensures at-risk behaviors are recognized and alleviated in real time.

| Key Features:
  • Increased awareness for employees regarding at-risk behavior, at-risk body positions and proper safety techniques
  • On-site, job-specific analysis
  • Real-time mitigation education

| Key Benefits:
  • Mitigate risks of injury on-site and in real time
  • Provide employees with job-specific education and information
  • Reinforces correct, non-risk behaviors

To speak to a specialist about BIOKINETIX’s At-Risk Behavior Intervention Programs, please contact us.


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