A man holding his lower back

How To Prevent and Address Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in The Workplace

Labor-intensive workplaces often accept muscle soreness as the norm. They consider it a “part of the job” and something that “comes with the territory”. While this mindset is prevalent in the industrial setting, it is far from reality. Delayed onset muscle soreness, commonly referred to as DOMS, can be mitigated and even prevented through the proper sports medicine techniques. Educating your employees, especially new hires, on prevention and management strategies for musculoskeletal issues will promote safety and productivity within your company. Here are some key insights to better understand and combat DOMS in the workplace and help reset the lower back using the WOWW resistance tool.

What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, and What Causes It?

Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is a term used to describe soreness or discomfort in the muscle tissue. Many experience this after an intense exercise session or a day of physically demanding work. This type of soreness often occurs 24-48 hours after work. When muscle tissue is overworked or subjected to extreme stress, it causes microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. While these “tears” are not an injury, they can hurt the body if not addressed appropriately. Those with DOMS who push through soreness without recovering and resetting their lower backs can experience long-term inflammation, swelling, and stiffness. This stiffness, in turn, can lead to a greater risk of sustaining workplace injuries and other harmful health outcomes.

Ways to Prevent DOMS

Prevention education is especially vital for new employees exposed to new physical work demands. Employees can take several proactive steps to prevent DOMS. These preventive steps include a proper warm-up, sound ergonomics, regular exercise, adequate rest, and proper nutrition.

A quick but incredibly impactful way to reduce the risk of DOMS is by warming up the body before each shift. A proper warm-up will activate the muscle tissue, reset the lower back, and increase muscle and tendon flexibility. Plus, it will increase blood flow and synovial fluid while improving balance and coordination. Without a warm-up, your body is not ready for work. Our proprietary warm-up tools, such as the WOW resistance device, are designed for total body warm-up efficiency. BIOKINETIX Program Managers conduct warm-up programs across various companies and continue to increase productivity daily with these unique tools. Check out our previous blog, Warm Up to Reduce Work-Related Injuries, for a more in-depth explanation of the benefits of a proper warm-up.

Another way to prevent the onset of DOMS and reset the lower back is by working in an ergonomically sound fashion. You can significantly reduce the likelihood of soreness and discomfort by putting your body in safe positions while working. Some examples:

  • “Hinging at the hips” when bending down
  • Working in the power zone or close to your body instead of reaching far away
  • Tightening your gut before lifting
young man warming up with the WOW

Upper body warm-up with the WOW®

Utility worker hinging at the hips

Regular exercise is a great way to condition your body for the physical demands of work. The tissues will adapt and become more resilient by routinely placing appropriate amounts of stress on the body. Resistance and cardiovascular training should both be considered in this approach to reset the lower back.

Lastly, adequate rest and proper nutrition will play a significant role in optimizing body functions, allowing your body to repair itself. Without a good night’s sleep, the body cannot fully recover from the day before. This lack of recovery can lead to a continuous cycle of muscle tissue breakdown, weakness, and inflammation. As for nutrition, eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of fluids will allow your muscles to thrive and become less susceptible to damage.

DOMS Vs. Lactic Acid Buildup

DOMS is often confused with a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is a byproduct of strenuous physical labor. Lactic acid often presents as a burning sensation in working muscles. Although lactic acid buildup can be uncomfortable, it is not responsible for muscle soreness or the need to reset the lower back. However, when the body produces too much lactic acid and cannot process or remove it quickly enough, it can cause complications. This condition is called lactic acidosis.

Industrial employees need to be conscious of this feeling in the body when subjected to intense physical labor. When this “burning” sensation in the muscles extends for long periods, it is best to take frequent rests before continuing with the job task. Taking 1-2 minute rest periods can make a significant difference in helping you continue safely with extensive labor. Allowing your body to manage the lactic acid buildup efficiently will keep your muscles resilient and help reset your lower back.

Taking Steps to Combat the Onset of DOMS

It’s critical to take action upon the initial onset of DOMS. Letting your body rest and recover is a great way to let your body heal naturally. However, many industrial athletes do not always have time to rest. Stretching, soft tissue massage, ice, heat, and even light exercise using the WOW resistance device can help mitigate the symptoms of DOMS and lead to quicker recovery. Knowing when and how to apply each one is key to optimal recovery.


Our team at BIOKINETIX can help guide your company’s employees through issues like muscle soreness and provide ongoing support from sports medicine professionals to reset their lower backs and help them recover.

Interested in learning more about how we’re helping Fortune 500 companies prevent and combat muscle soreness? Schedule a demo today for a free consultation or to request more information on our results and capabilities.

Alyssa Brandofino, MS, ATC
National Training and Education Supervisor at BIOKINETIX
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