A man having neck pain

Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs)

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are a group of painful disorders that are caused or made worse by one’s occupation. These disorders can affect different areas, including the back, neck, shoulders, and wrists. WMSDs can lead to intolerable pain, discomfort, and decreased productivity.

To many, WMSDs might seem like inevitable consequences of a job, but you can easily prevent them. Here you can learn more about the most common musculoskeletal disorders and the most effective measures for preventing them in your workplace.

Understanding WMSDs

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders encompass a wide range of conditions that arise from injuries to the muscles, nerves, or tendons. They are also known as repetitive strain injuries, soft tissue disorders, and overuse syndromes, among other names.

These injuries often occur due to repetitive motions with excessive force, awkward body positions, vibrations, inadequate breaks, and an ergonomic mismatch between workers and their workstations. To prevent overuse injuries, employers must address every one of these risk factors.

The Most Common Musculoskeletal Disorders

According to reports, work-related musculoskeletal disorders are the leading causes of disability and limitation. The most common WMSDs causing these disabilities are as follows.


Tendinitis refers to the inflammation of tendons that happens due to their overuse. It’s one of the most common overuse injuries in musicians, but it can happen to employees in any industry.


  • Swelling around the tendon
  • Pain that worsens with movement
  • Stiffness and reduced range of motion

Risk Factors

  • Repetitive wrist and shoulder motions
  • Being over 40 (reduced tendon flexibility)
  • Having certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

One of the most prevalent work-related musculoskeletal disorders is carpal tunnel syndrome which affects 5% of adults worldwide. It happens when the median nerve in your wrist is compressed.


  • Numbness and tingling in the hand
  • Weakness in the hand and difficulty holding things
  • Pain radiating from the wrist to the forearm and shoulders

Risk Factors

  • Repetitive hand and wrist movements
  • Vibrations from tools and equipment at work
  • Applying excessive force and pressure to the wrists


Epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis or golfer’s elbow, is a condition in which the tendons in the elbows become inflamed. Studies show that this WMSD is responsible for prolonged absenteeism in 5% of affected adults.


  • Limited range of motion in the elbow joint
  • Tenderness and swelling around the elbow
  • Pain on the outer or inner side of the elbow

Risk Factors

  • Repetitive elbow movements
  • Forceful rotation of the forearm
  • Preexisting conditions like rheumatoid arthritis

Tension Neck Syndrome

One of the most prevalent work-related musculoskeletal disorders is tension neck syndrome. This soft tissue syndrome affects more than 70% of adults worldwide and occurs when the muscles in the neck become strained.


  • Soreness in the neck area
  • Muscle spasms and limited range of motion
  • Persistent neck pain that worsens with movement

Risk Factors

  • Awkward postures
  • Frequent lifting of heavy objects
  • Prolonged sitting or standing tasks

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Another group of common musculoskeletal disorders is rotator cuff injuries that occur with the progressive wear of the tendon tissues in the shoulders. These work-related musculoskeletal disorders affect up to 26% of adults at any point in time.


  • Sharp and persistent pain in the shoulders
  • Shoulder stiffness and limited range of motion
  • Clicking or popping sounds when moving the shoulders

Risk Factors

  • Repetitive overhead movements
  • Putting excessive force or strain on the shoulders
  • Maintaining unnatural shoulder positions while performing tasks

How to Prevent WMSDs

Happy woman taking a break from work

WMSDs can be prevented using a combination of efficient solutions. The first step toward their prevention is performing an ergonomic evaluation.

Create an Ergonomic Work Environment

Ergonomics is the practice of creating a workplace that matches the capabilities of your workers. It starts with an evaluation of your employees’ current workstations. By eliminating risk factors, improving the design of their workstations, and encouraging proper postures, you can reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders and their accompanying costs.

Employ Better Tools and Techniques for the Job

The second method for preventing common musculoskeletal disorders is to equip your workforce with proper tools and techniques that put the least possible strain on their bodies. Non-standard tools with excessive vibration or those requiring too much force will only endanger your employees and make them unnecessarily exhausted.

Train Your Employees on Safe Work Practices

Making modifications to the work environment and updating your tools is not enough. You must also train your employees on the safest practices and provide proper personal protective equipment (PPE). By teaching employees how to address potential risk factors, you can take proactive steps in reducing their susceptibility to work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

Encourage Your Employees to Take Frequent Breaks

Working non-stop can lead to muscle stiffness and increased strain on the body. Encourage your employees to take short breaks every hour to let their bodies recover. Motivate them to do light exercises on their breaks by employing workplace stretching programs.

Incorporate Dynamic Stretching Routines Into Your Day

The last but most important preventative measure is to incorporate a pre-shift stretching routine into your day to help your employees warm up their muscles for their tasks. Even a short dynamic exercise routine can improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of common musculoskeletal disorders.

Prevent Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders With BIOKINETIX

Implementing these strategies can help you prevent WMSDs in your workplace. However, to keep your employees completely safe and injury-free, you need the help of professional ergonomists and medical experts. You can get help from the best injury prevention teams at BIOKINETIX.

We offer occupational medical services and personal programs tailored to your company to help your employees avoid work-related musculoskeletal disorders. With science-backed methodologies, we can increase your employees’ UpTime and make your business more profitable.

Schedule a demo today to see how BIOKINETIX can help your company. 

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