A happy construction worker wearing personal proactive equipment

The Importance of Personal Protective Equipment at Work

With the rising rates of fatal injuries, safety has become a priority for many employers. They are realizing the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) and providing proper PPE for their staff.

While correct posture and ergonomic workstations can prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders, PPE can prevent immediate life-threatening injuries. Workers in high-risk industries such as construction, manufacturing, and even healthcare can lose their jobs by not wearing PPE at work.

If you’re questioning the importance of wearing PPE, this article is for you. Here we will take a closer look at the benefits of PPE and the most common types for workers in different industries.

What Is Personal Protective Equipment?

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is any wearable item that can protect employees from workplace hazards. The type of PPE can differ based on the industry, but we can’t overlook its importance.

The Importance of Personal Protective Equipment

With over 5,000 workplace deaths occurring each year, providing proper PPE is one of the best ways to prioritize safety training and wellness as an employer.

Wearing PPE at work offers many advantages to your employees and you. Here is a look at some of them.

Benefits of PPE for Employees

Apart from protecting employees against immediate threats, PPE offers other notable benefits to workers who wear them.

Protection Against Long-term Conditions

In many industries, workers are exposed to toxic chemicals that can threaten their long-term health. Asbestos is one of the best examples. Asbestos exposure can increase the risk of mesothelioma cancer and result in a painful death.

The importance of personal protective equipment is evident here. Wearing proper PPE can protect workers from this dangerous substance.

No Legal Liability for Workplace Injuries

Workers who wear PPE on the job will not be liable for their injuries if they occur.

However, those who actively decide not to wear the PPE their employers provide will have complete legal liability in a court of law. Apart from having to pay for their medical expenses, they may also get fired.

Better Performance at Work

The importance of personal protective equipment goes beyond employee protection. It also enhances performance by providing a feeling of safety.

Those who wear PPE at work feel less stress about experiencing an accident and sustaining fatal injuries. Their reassured minds allow them to have a better work day and perform at their best.

Benefits of PPE for Employers

Employees are not the only ones who benefit from wearing PPE. Keeping your workers safe by providing PPE also helps you in various ways.

Lower Comp Claims

The importance of personal protective equipment for employers is evident in that it saves you thousands of dollars in comp claims.

You can break the cycle of rising attrition and injury rates by providing the right equipment and keeping your workers safe. The lack of PPE will only increase the risk of injuries and force you to spend much more on medical bills.

No Legal Troubles

Apart from creating a safer work environment, PPE will also help you comply with regulatory requirements and avoid legal troubles in case injuries occur.

Failing to comply with OSHA regulations by overlooking your employees’ safety will cost you thousands in fines and even lead to jail time.

Lower Staff Turnover

Another importance of personal protective equipment for employers is that it reduces staff turnover and the costs associated with hiring new workers.

Providing PPE at work shows your employees much you care about their well-being. This concern for their safety gives your employees more reason to stay with your organization and perform at their best.

Types of Personal Protective EquipmentAn employee wearing full-body personal protective equipment

Now that you know the importance of personal protective equipment, it’s time to learn more about the different types of PPE used today. Here are the most common PPEs that create safer working conditions.

Head Protection

Safety helmets are one of the most vital types of PPE.

They can protect the head from falling objects. They also protect the hair by keeping it from getting tangled with dangerous equipment. Class A and B hats also protect against electric shots of up to 20,00 volts.

Hand Protection

Gloves are another essential protective wear. Depending on their fabric, gloves can protect employees against electric shocks, burns, cuts, punctures, and chemicals.

The importance of personal protective equipment for the hands becomes especially clear when dealing with occupational skin diseases, as these devices can prevent the spread of infections and other illnesses.

Foot Protection

Slips are among the top 5 causes of workplace injuries. Wearing foot PPE at work can help prevent them.

Proper footwear can also protect against heat and impact. Depending on the nature of work, conductive or nonconductive shoes can keep employees safe from electricity.

Eye Protection

With over 2 million eye injuries occurring yearly, the importance of wearing personal protective equipment over the eyes becomes clear.

Safety eyewear like goggles or face shields can protect the eyes from debris at construction sites or chemicals at labs. They are a necessity even for workers who wear glasses or contact lenses.

Lung Protection

Workers must also protect their lungs while dealing with toxic substances, fumes, dust, and even paint spray.

Respiratory protection equipment can be as simple as dust masks or as thorough as full facepieces with an attached air supply. The type of device will depend on the nature of the work.

Ear Protection

The ears are another part of the body that workers must protect to prevent occupational hearing loss.

These protective wearables can include earmuffs and reusable or single-use earplugs. You can determine the correct type of hearing protection device depending on the noise level and the time workers experience it.

Protect Your Employees With BIOKINETIX

It’s not enough to know about the importance of personal protective equipment. You must take action and provide the proper equipment for your workers. Apart from instructing the staff to wear PPE at work, employers must create a safe environment.

BIOKINETIX can help you create the safest workspace possible. Our strategic services, combined with our science-backed methodologies, give your employees a hazard-free environment to flourish.

Schedule a free demo of our services now to see what our ergonomists can do for you!

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