All Posts Tagged: featured

Why Dehydration Is An Occupational Hazard

The symptoms of dehydration are recognizable to most: increased thirst, dry mouth, and even a headache are the body’s more obvious ways of signaling when to refill that water bottle. Less obvious, however, are the gradual impairments to central nervous system function. In the workplace setting, some may be tempted to “work through it” and delay water breaks to avoid interrupting their job tasks—but allowing dehydration to escalate ultimately compromises the ability to work safely and accurately. Here’s why optimal fluid intake is a key aspect of productivity and occupational safety, along with best practices to keep your employees properly hydrated.


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Both Feet on The Ground: The Risks of Occupational Standing

In the context of occupational health, standing is often framed as something employees aren’t getting enough of. This applies largely to sedentary work environments, where standing desks have become a popular intervention to get workers out of their seats and mitigate the physical effects of sitting. That’s not to deny the benefits of standing—it allows for physical freedom and greater mobility. And compared with the debilitating effects of slips, trips, and falls in the workplace, standing for long hours at a time seems a mild risk at best. However, the evidence shows that for industrial workers, prolonged standing can be equally as harmful as prolonged sitting. (more…)

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Why Exercise Belongs in the Workplace

Although the physical benefits of exercise are already familiar to most, new evidence suggests that combining exercise and the workplace has the greatest potential to maximize employee performance. The strongest support for this approach can be found in a recent study comparing the effects of work-based versus home-based exercise on work ability. Both programs incorporated […]

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Proactive Intervention, Part II: Stop the Injury Cycle

A three-part series on proactive intervention by BIOKINETIX

In Part I, we addressed why it’s important to help injured employees recover without interrupting the healing process.

The traditional return-to-work approach has often failed American workers, and the problem of recurrent injuries is just one example. After analyzing workers’ compensation data over a 3-year period, Liberty Mutual researchers found that a disproportionate amount of low back injuries were recurrent. Compared to those who had only been injured once, employees with recurrent injuries took longer to recover, accumulated significantly higher medical and indemnity costs, and were considered by study authors to be “an especially important target for secondary prevention efforts” [4]. Recurrent injuries can be prevented entirely by making sure employees recover properly the first time—so why are they still so common?


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Proactive Intervention, Part I: Rethink Recovery

A three-part series on proactive intervention by BIOKINETIX

The aftermath of an occupational injury can be predictably arduous and time-consuming for all parties involved. Regardless of severity level, it is in the interest of both employer and employee to ensure they recover properly and resume their job tasks. But many return-to-work programs are stuck in a reactive cycle of poor recovery, recurrent injuries, and accumulating workers’ compensation costs.


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