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Learn more about our latest events and special projects. These are the perfect place to learn our strategies for workplace injury prevention with occupational ergonomics. Learn how to use The Science of More UpTime.


See the awards won by BIOKINETIX for outstanding services making work environments safe and businesses profitable. The recognitions are backed by a decade workplace injury prevention and positive testimonials.

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More Resources

Need more resources? Visit our blog to learn more about the causes of workplace injuries, how to avoid them, and ways to combat their effects.

The BIOKINETIX Difference

Why choose BIOKINETIX? Because our philosophy centers around a culture of prevention. Using occupational ergonomics and proven methodologies, we tackle workplace injuries before they even happen rather than waiting to deal with their aftermath.

Our ergonomics exercises for office workers and employees in different industries are sports medicine-derived. These exercises will prepare your staff for demanding tasks while maximizing their efficiency and helping them prevent musculoskeletal injuries.

The comprehensive 3E process pioneered by our experts at BIOKINETIX offers solutions to make risk-prone work environments safer. With the help of the TASC Methodology, we embed these new habits into your organization and help you sustain the results for years to come.

Protect Your Employees

Want to protect your business and employees with occupational ergonomics and our strategic services? Contact us now and learn more about what we have to offer.

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