Coronavirus Employee Temperature Screening

Bring down facility exposure rates and protect your employees.

One of the most effective best practices for reducing the spread of COVID-19 is to screen employees before they begin their shifts. As companies take preventive measures for keeping essential workers safe and prepare to bring employees back into the workplace, many are bringing medical providers on site to administer critical health screens.

BIOKINETIX is now providing job-site COVID-19 health screens to visitors, employees and/or contractors for companies nationwide. We’re helping businesses meet CDC and OSHA recommendations by designing and implementing pre-shift screening protocols with licensed and certified healthcare professionals.

An image of COVID-19 employee temperature screening services

How we’re conducting the screening:


BIOKINETIX COVID-19 Screening Programs are staffed by licensed/certified medical professionals who are required to undergo remote thermometer training. Our screeners will always be screened prior to conducting screening at client locations.

Each employee will be screened before entering their facility or work area– the process includes a 5-point questionnaire and a temperature screen using FDA-approved no-contact thermometers.

How long will each screening take?

Approximately 20 seconds per screen.

Will this disrupt my start time?

We can tailor strategies to minimize any disruption to operations and avoid bottleneck, such as multiple screeners.

What questions will be asked?

Our screening questions were developed in accordance with CDC guidelines and include:


  •  “Have you had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?”
  •  “Have you returned from traveling outside the US within the last 14 days?”
  •  “Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days (to include fever, chest pain, confusion, loss of consciousness, muscles aches, fatigue, headache, runny nose, cough, sore throat, respiratory illness, difficulty breathing)?”
Are companies making this mandatory?

For the sake of protecting the workforce, most of our clients make the screenings a condition of entering the building.

Are there concerns surrounding HIPAA with screening our employees for COVID-19?

Although we do suggest companies have us maintain a record of screen results, we do not store Personal Health Information (PHI), rather it is simply an employee’s pass/fail record.

What do we need to have available on our end to facilitate the COVID-19 screens?

We ask that the COVID-19 screens take place in a temperature-controlled area with ambient humidity to allow for accurate readings. We ask that space be made available or start times staggered to allow for social distancing. BIOKINETIX will provide our own PPE and materials. Currently, we also provide the no-touch FDA-approved infrared thermometer. However, due to the worldwide shortage, some areas may experience a delay in thermometer availability.

What type of professionals will be screening our employees?

A certified/licensed medical professional.

Interested in developing a screening process that supports your team?

(773) 227-4447

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    More COVID-19 Support Solutions

    In addition to temperature screening, check out the other proactive solutions we’re offering to businesses in response to COVID-19.

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