Food & Beverage

Injury Prevention Services for the Food Processing Industry

Work Injuries in the Food Processing Industry

The food and beverage industry impacts the regional and national economy immensely, but the working conditions are as hazardous as in high-risk sectors. Employees of this industry usually have to work fast in tight spaces, with consistent, repetitive movements in the production and delivery of food for customers. Therefore, the injury rate for workers in food processing is high due to ergonomic and musculoskeletal risks as well as a lack of preventative measures like pre-shift stretching programs.

Studies show that over two million employees in this sector handle tasks with a high risk of injury. Plus, an average of 18 days is lost because of them, making repetitive stress injury prevention necessary.

Chef hunched over preparing a large order of a dish at a high-end cafeteria

The food and beverage industry impacts the regional and national economy immensely, but the working conditions are as hazardous as in high-risk sectors. Employees of this industry usually have to work fast in tight spaces, with consistent, repetitive movements in the production and delivery of food for customers. Therefore, the injury rate for workers in food processing is high due to ergonomic and musculoskeletal risks as well as a lack of preventative measures like pre-shift stretching programs.

Studies show that over two million employees in this sector handle tasks with a high risk of injury. Plus, an average of 18 days is lost because of them, making repetitive stress injury prevention necessary.

The most common form of work-related injuries in the food processing industry include but are not limited to:
  • Bruises, cuts, and scrapes on hands from knives
  • Sprains and strains from awkward movement and postural patterns in narrow working environments
  • Thermal burns from contact with steam, hot surfaces and equipment, and open flame
  •  Musculoskeletal injuries from repetitive movements and lifting heavy objects
  • Slips and falls on slippery or cluttered floors
BIOKINETIX ergonomics specialist consulting a delivery driver on how to lift heavy boxes

What Can Employers Do to Ensure Safety?

Employers must encourage a safety culture and take a proactive approach to handling work-related injuries. Otherwise, they must face the substantial morale and material losses that these injuries carry. 

A good way of ensuring safety is by seeking the professional advice of ergonomists and following all regulatory requirements set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

According to reports from OSHA, every dollar employers spend on professional workplace safety training like pre-shift stretching instructions can save them four to six dollars on later injury costs and claims. Where can they get this training? BIOKINETIX is one of their best options.

Employers must encourage a safety culture and take a proactive approach to handling work-related injuries. Otherwise, they must face the substantial morale and material losses that these injuries carry. 

A good way of ensuring safety is by seeking the professional advice of ergonomists and following all regulatory requirements set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

According to reports from OSHA, every dollar employers spend on professional workplace safety training like pre-shift stretching instructions can save them four to six dollars on later injury costs and claims. Where can they get this training? BIOKINETIX is one of their best options.


We provide early prevention health services and ergonomic solutions at BIOKINETIX that are unique to the food processing industry, as well as other food and beverage workers. We use a proactive approach to repetitive stress injury prevention by incorporating pre-shift stretching exercises in tailor-made programs designed to support your staff before, during, and after their shift.

Our strategic injury prevention services give you a long-lasting safety plan that helps reduce the financial and emotional burdens that workplace injuries can cause, with the goal of an overall reduction in injury claims down the road. With over 18 years of experience and hundreds of satisfied clients, BIOKINETIX may be the solution for you.


Our unique approach to workplace injury prevention at BIOKINETIX gives us an edge over competitors and provides you with an effective plan. Here are some of the tools we use to develop our sustainable health and safety programs.

3E Process

We use the 3E Process at BIOKINETIX for workplace risk assessment and repetitive stress injury prevention. This system consists of three steps that include:

  1. Engineering: We send our experts to your workplace to assess your tools and working conditions. They will suggest alterations you can make to improve safety. 
  2. Ergonomics: Our ergonomists instruct you on the best body postures for your job that reduce the risk of injury and improve your performance.
  3. Exercise: We give you personalized programs that include pre-shift stretching exercises to warm you up for the daily tasks of your jobs.

The Science of More Uptime

The Science of More Uptime is at the heart of all our practices at BIOKINETIX. It allows our teams to propose changes to your safety protocols that are science-backed and efficient.

TASC Methodology 

With the use of the TASC Methodology, we create a culture of incident prevention in your workplace that is long-lasting and sustainable.

Get started today with to schedule a meeting and learn about how our injury prevention programs and pre-shift stretching exercises can help keep your employees safe


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