Industrial Ergonomic Solutions

Home Industrial Ergonomic Solutions

From industrial ergonomics to forward-thinking engineering, BIOKINETIX has a solution for your industry.

BIOKINETIX’s industry-specific solutions examine the work performed, the environment in which it’s performed, and what tools, machinery, or industrial ergonomic equipment is used. Then, BIOKINETIX prevention specialists develop a program that …

Uses science-derived best practices and industrial ergonomics to properly prepare employees’ bodies for the work they perform for your business.

Addresses all at-risk behaviors and situations, proactively identifying and mitigating hazards, such as lifting, bending, repetitive motion, and heavy lifting.

It provides organizations with a healthier, safer, and more informed workplace culture, which is necessary to reduce injuries, prevent profitability loss, and sustain these results long-term.

Evidence-Based Solutions for Your Industry

Our industry-tailored solutions are based on three key areas of practice and research. They focus on the principles of industrial ergonomics to elevate your employees to a better, healthier state than when they came in. By prioritizing ergonomics in manufacturing, hospitality, aviation, and other industries, we create customized strategies that promote overall employee well-being and optimize workplace performance.

We help organizations sustain long-lasting results with custom-designed plans for effective preventative care. Each industry has its challenges and complexities regarding occupational health and safety. We consider every unique factor to recommend the best industrial ergonomic equipment and deliver measurable, actionable results for your business, whether in healthcare, food and beverage, or aviation.

3E is a comprehensive 3-step process comprising Engineering, Ergonomics, and Exercise interventions. Engineering is a crucial first step as we assess the layout, structure, and processes within the workplace itself. Industrial ergonomics is about reducing at-risk behaviors and preserving the health and safety of workers on-site. Proper exercise ensures that people can perform the job tasks safely and effectively with less risk of bodily injuries.

UpTime refers to the freedom of pursuing individual and organizational growth without the burden of preventable injuries. The team at BIOKINETIX develops systems that promote both Employer UpTime (lower costs of injury, better productivity, and maximum well-being) and Employee UpTime (the ability to live fulfilling, discomfort-free lives both in and out of the workplace).

Industry Solutions

Whether your goal is preventing repetitive motion injuries, reducing workers’ compensation claims, improving productivity, or just looking out for the general safety of your team, BIOKINETIX has a custom solution for you. The following are just a few of the primary industries we serve.


By getting in the trenches and scaling utility poles, BIOKINETIX helped major utility providers choose appropriate industrial ergonomic equipment and reduce workplace injuries. By learning more about utility workers’ tasks, BIOKINETIX created a job-specific program that reduced injuries and increased employee wellness.

BIOKINETIX studied the work routines of transportation workers and package car drivers and found many possibilities for repetitive stress injuries. BIOKINETIX then developed a comprehensive industrial ergonomic solution, specifically preventing repetitive motion injuries in the transportation and warehousing industry.


The manufacturing industry often involves repetitive motions and physically demanding work. BIOKINETIX has studied these movements and developed task-specific manufacturing ergonomics programs. Our methodologies and ergonomic solutions help workers in these industries overcome the risk of repetitive stress injuries.

Food Processing

Food and beverage industry employees spend a lot of time on their feet and perform many repetitive tasks without proper industrial ergonomic equipment. BIOKINETIX has developed highly successful industrial ergonomics programs addressing these needs by studying those tasks and providing solutions for preventing repetitive motion injuries.

hospitality workers


BIOKINETIX has closely observed numerous at-risk movements and motions daily in the hospitality industry. Tasks like carrying heavy items, prolonged standing, and repetitive motions during food preparation are significant risk factors for work-related injuries. However, BIOKINETIX offers tailored solutions designed to prevent these injuries. We enable hospitality employees to work more efficiently while ensuring they lead healthier, injury-free lives.

BIOKINETIX’s ergonomic programs work with aircraft manufacturing and maintenance personnel to make the skies safer. By helping these highly skilled employees with industrial ergonomic solutions and warm-up programs, we ensure that they’re healthy and injury-free and that their minds are stimulated—making them more alert.


BIOKINETIX is a national leader for workplace injury prevention.


What are some of the best ergonomic tools for manufacturing settings?

Incorporating manufacturing ergonomics is essential for workplace safety. Some of the best ergonomic tools include adjustable workstations, anti-fatigue mats, proper lifting aids, and ergonomic hand tools designed to reduce strain. These ergonomic tools enhance productivity in manufacturing industries while minimizing the risk of injury.

How can industrial ergonomics software help companies measure and track the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions?

Industrial ergonomics software provides valuable insights into workplace tasks and employee movements. By utilizing industrial ergonomic equipment, companies can gather data, analyze at-risk behaviors, and monitor the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions. This data-driven approach fosters continuous improvement and helps organizations maintain a safer work environment.

How can the 3E methodology help companies reduce injuries in logistics operations?

The 3E methodology—Engineering, Ergonomics, and Exercise—plays a vital role in logistics operations. By assessing work environments (Engineering), implementing industrial ergonomic solutions (Ergonomics), and promoting proper physical preparation (Exercise), companies can effectively reduce workplace injuries. This comprehensive approach ensures a safer, more efficient logistics operation tailored to specific industry needs.

We use a proactive—and not reactive—approach for occupational health and safety. We appeal to the latest advances in sports medicine to promote a safer workplace through industrial ergonomics, targeted health and fitness, and education. 

We have no clinical affiliations and no conflicts of interest. Many large-scale physical therapy practices use a fee-for-service model that prioritizes patient volume for the purposes of profiting alongside partner clinics, but we’re 100% independent and dedicated to preventing injuries from occurring in the first place.

The industries noted above represent just a sampling of the markets we serve. We proudly work with businesses in construction, transportation, distribution, and most other major industries where occupational safety is a concern.

Would you like to learn more? Contact BIOKINETIX today to schedule your no-cost analysis.

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