Two industrial engineers discussing their injury prevention training outside

3 Ways We Can Help Reduce Workers’ Comp Claims

As employers add to their staff, the costs of workers’ compensation claims rise. These claims can cost employers thousands to millions of dollars in unsafe working conditions. The most effective way to reduce their financial burden is by proactively preventing injuries at work. 

Our strategic work injury prevention services at BIOKINETIX can help you do that. With a holistic approach to workplace safety and employee wellbeing, we can help you lower these claims, thus working to reduce the total costs of risks to your business, and help you increase your profits. 

Do you want to know how to reduce workers’ comp claims? Keep reading to learn more about the 3 ways we can do that with our injury prevention and wellness programs. 

What Are Injury Prevention and Wellness Programs?

Wellness programs at BIOKINETIX consist of a series of science-backed practices that can ultimately prevent injuries at work and keep your staff safe. The activities and training material are tailored to specific industry workers and their unique day-to-day job functions.

The goal is to create a safe space for employees where they can thrive and be more productive. Lower workers’ compensation claims come as an added benefit with these work injury prevention programs. 

How Our Programs Reduce Workers’ Comp Claims


1. Injury Prevention


Workplace injuries are why workers’ compensation insurance exists. Depending on the industry, these injuries can range from slipping to being hit by a falling object or developing musculoskeletal disorders. One thing they have in common is that they are all preventable. 

Most employers try to keep these accidents at bay and their workers safe by following regulations and knowing OSHA codes. Work injury prevention, however, takes more than that, something a good safety program can address.

How Can BIOKINETIX Prevent Injuries at Work?


Using the 3E process, we take measured steps to prevent accidents at your workplace. This 3-step process starts with engineering. Our ergonomic specialists analyze your work environment and machinery to suggest modifications for safety. Next is ergonomics, where we educate your employees on proper body forms for their tasks. The last step involves exercise, where we determine specific exercise programs for your staff. With the help of our 3-minute warm-up programs and office exercises, you can successfully prevent injuries at work and reduce compensation claims. 

2. Employee Retention


One of the main reasons why accidents happen at work is because of new employees’ inexperience. If you don’t care for the health and safety of your current workforce, you will lose them. No one wants to work somewhere where they don’t feel safe. 

It will take months for your newly hired workers to familiarize themselves with your safety practices and learn how to handle job-specific equipment safely. In such a condition, injuries are bound to happen, so it’s best to try and retain the skilled employees you already have for more efficient work injury prevention.

How Can BIOKINETIX Help Employee Retention?


There are many reasons why you should consider ergonomic fitness & wellness programs for your staff. One of the most important ones is that by doing so, you will make your employees feel cared for and happy. 

Our wellness programs will keep your staff more aligned with your goals and motivated to prevent injuries at work. So it’s more likely they will stay with you for the long run and reduce comp claims by following the safety guidelines they know. 

3. Health Improvement 


Employee health issues can lead to more injuries and are linked with higher workers’ compensation costsStudies show that those with a risk of depression cost businesses 70% more than others. Obesity is another problem that can lead to 25% more work-related injuries and up to seven times more medical claims. So encouraging employees to adopt a healthier lifestyle is how you can reduce workers comp claims.

How Can BIOKINETIX Help You Improve Your Teams’ Health?


At BIOKINETIX, our goal is to help you learn how to prevent injuries at work and boost your employees’ health through our occupational early intervention programs. These comprehensive wellness programs help employees identify their health challenges and offer personalized solutions to overcome them. The one-on-one interactions with our licensed medical personnel will improve the lives of your workers along with their morale.

Lower Workers’ Comp Claims With BIOKINETIX

A happy man holding a helmet

BIOKINETIX has numerous programs to help prevent injuries at your workplace and reduce your workers’ compensation claims. Once you incorporate our teachings into your company, you will create a sustainable culture of safety that can help you grow. Our clients experience a 5.62 to $1.00 ROI on average, and you can do that too. So contact us now to lower avoidable costs and keep your employees safe. 

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