All Posts in Category: Diet & Nutrition

Why Dehydration Is An Occupational Hazard

The symptoms of dehydration are recognizable to most: increased thirst, dry mouth, and even a headache are the body’s more obvious ways of signaling when to refill that water bottle. Less obvious, however, are the gradual impairments to central nervous system function. In the workplace setting, some may be tempted to “work through it” and delay water breaks to avoid interrupting their job tasks—but allowing dehydration to escalate ultimately compromises the ability to work safely and accurately. Here’s why optimal fluid intake is a key aspect of productivity and occupational safety, along with best practices to keep your employees properly hydrated.


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Good Nutrition Boosts Employee Productivity

It’s no secret that when employees show up to work at less than 100%, they’re less engaged and less productive. Presenteeism is more than just working while sick—contributing causes such as stress, mood disorders, or fatigue are often underreported and may not necessarily be related to work. Although sometimes difficult to quantify, poor on-the-job performance […]

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Occupational Health and the Mediterranean Diet

Throughout the U.S. and the rest of the developed world, cardiovascular disease remains a leading preventable cause of death and disability. It’s certainly no coincidence that over the past several decades, global dietary patterns have been increasingly characterized by a rising intake of saturated fat, sugar and other high-calorie sweeteners, and salt. The prevalence of processed foods, combined with a shift toward sedentary habits and decreased physical activity, has contributed to a higher percentage of the labor force suffering from cardiovascular ailments that are often a result of poor nutrition.


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The Benefits of Cultivating Nutrition-Savvy Workers

Although National Nutrition Month is coming to an end, the importance of cultivating nutritional education extends far beyond the 31st of March. One of the most critical issues impacting today’s workforce is the prevalence of chronic diseases caused by poor nutrition—and the underlying causes that need to be understood.


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early injury prevention programs for workplaces

An Athletic Trainer’s Guide to Proper Hydration

Water is the main component of our bodies. In fact, the human body is approximately 70% water. Certain body structures are made up of more or less water than others. For example, the brain is approximately 85% water, whereas the bones are 10%-15%. Water also plays a major role in almost ALL bodily systems and functions. Water is needed to:
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A Look at Health and Wellness Employee Credentials

I am often asked by the industrial employees I work with, “Did you have to go to school for this?” As much as I hate hearing this question, I understand where it’s coming from. Many times, the only contact the industrial workers have with me (or BIOKINETIX) is during our 90-Second Warm-Up or WOW1 presentations. I think it’s only natural to ask, in the ever so subtle way, why should I listen to you? That’s when I got to thinking… I wonder how often my co-workers get this same question? That is why I’m writing this post.


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