All Posts in Category: Health & Wellness

Corporate Health Injury Prevention Solutions Chicago

Suggestions For Office Health Practices That Can Lead to Happier Workers

In line with a growing emphasis on corporate health and wellness, there’s now an increasing awareness among occupational safety specialists and staff managers about the need to design workplaces that promote not only worker safety, but also health and happiness. This can lead to a more productive workforce, lower costly staff turnover and a more pleasant and vibrant work atmosphere.

With reference to a growing body of research that suggests the workplace environment can indeed have profound effects on employee health, satisfaction and output, here are four factors involved with achieving this goal in the context of the modern office. (more…)

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early injury prevention programs for workplaces

An Athletic Trainer’s Guide to Proper Hydration

Water is the main component of our bodies. In fact, the human body is approximately 70% water. Certain body structures are made up of more or less water than others. For example, the brain is approximately 85% water, whereas the bones are 10%-15%. Water also plays a major role in almost ALL bodily systems and functions. Water is needed to:
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Fitness Trackers at Work

I would like to make a confession. I, a licensed Athletic Trainer and certified strength and conditioning specialist, have a hard time staying motivated and making it to the gym. My problem is not that I don’t know what to do (as pointed out by my credentials) but actually finding the time or drive. It wasn’t until I watched a TEDtalk that I realized my perception was skewed. The truth, I discovered, is that good health and fitness can be achieved throughout my day. I could get cardio from walking my dog around the neighborhood. Or, I could improve my muscular endurance when I’m carrying my groceries in or lifting my laundry up and down the stairs. I began to examine my daily activities. I realized that my health and fitness is not solely dependent on the time I spent at the gym. In actuality, it is the accumulation of my day and the healthy habits I create. So, being the goal oriented person that I am, I’ve decided to look for a way to track exactly how much activity I experience throughout my day. How could I continue to up my activity if I can’t track it or create an accurate benchmark? (more…)

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A Look at Health and Wellness Employee Credentials

I am often asked by the industrial employees I work with, “Did you have to go to school for this?” As much as I hate hearing this question, I understand where it’s coming from. Many times, the only contact the industrial workers have with me (or BIOKINETIX) is during our 90-Second Warm-Up or WOW1 presentations. I think it’s only natural to ask, in the ever so subtle way, why should I listen to you? That’s when I got to thinking… I wonder how often my co-workers get this same question? That is why I’m writing this post.


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