All Posts in Category: Health & Wellness

Yes, You Can: A Participative Approach to Occupational Health

The benefits of positive health behaviors, such as consistent physical activity or a balanced diet, are well documented. General knowledge dictates that one should exercise and eat plenty of leafy greens; the problem, however, seems to be getting people from “should” to “will”. Public health initiatives aside, this continues to be a particular area of concern for U.S. employers. Countless occupational health studies have shown that only a small percentage of working-age Americans incorporate these behaviors into their lifestyle. In a particularly revealing observation, one researcher described workers as “influenced by feelings of personal wellbeing rather than by health outcomes,” and that “health was viewed as a predetermined destiny that was outside the individual’s personal control [1].”


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What Makes an Occupational Wellness Program Effective?

As chronic health and musculoskeletal conditions continue to grow, today’s workforce faces formidable barriers to productivity and well-being. Over two-thirds of U.S. companies have attempted to address this phenomenon by investing in occupational wellness programs. Some focus solely on individual initiatives, such as weight loss or smoking cessation, while others provide health screening. Few, however, are sustainable. The RAND Workplace Wellness Programs Study found that on average, wellness programs only save $1.50 per employer-invested dollar. While certain programs deliver more favorable results—such as BIOKINETIX, with an average ROI of 6 to 1—they remain statistical outliers. With so much at risk, why do most wellness programs yield relatively low returns?


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Keeping the Flu Out of the Workplace

August is National Immunization Awareness Month—a timely reminder that flu season is only a few months away. For occupational safety and health leaders, a proactive approach is the key to sustaining workplace illness prevention: to anticipate and prepare for risks before they even happen. Not only does mitigating the risk of exposure to infectious diseases in the workplace ensure that employees will be less likely to get themselves and their families sick, it also protects productivity and minimizes lost work time.


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How Exercise Brings Together Body and Mind

For decades, exercising has been associated with a myriad of physical benefits such as strength, agility, weight loss, longevity, and overall health. But what’s often missing from general knowledge is the fact that the benefits of working out extend to another important aspect of quality-of-life: cognitive function. From elevating mood to preserving long-term memory, exercise is proven to lend both brains and brawn to those who take part in it consistently.


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Encouraging Sun Protection in the Workplace

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, which serves as a particularly relevant reminder in light of the upcoming summer months. In anticipation of warmer weather and sunnier days, consider the importance of practicing skin cancer prevention—both recreationally and in the workplace.


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Occupational Health and the Mediterranean Diet

Throughout the U.S. and the rest of the developed world, cardiovascular disease remains a leading preventable cause of death and disability. It’s certainly no coincidence that over the past several decades, global dietary patterns have been increasingly characterized by a rising intake of saturated fat, sugar and other high-calorie sweeteners, and salt. The prevalence of processed foods, combined with a shift toward sedentary habits and decreased physical activity, has contributed to a higher percentage of the labor force suffering from cardiovascular ailments that are often a result of poor nutrition.


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Top 5 Online Resources for Safety Professionals

Great leaders in business are characterized, in part, by being genuinely committed to improving well-being and productivity in the workplace. Health and safety professionals in any industry understand that in order to achieve this, it’s critical to stay informed on the issues that face both employees and the company.

From industry insights and predictions to in-depth reporting, each of the following resources explores a different aspect of the safety conversation. BIOKINETIX has selected some of our favorite online magazines and blogs out there today– in no particular order– that are sure to prove useful to safety leaders in a variety of industries. (more…)

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The Benefits of Cultivating Nutrition-Savvy Workers

Although National Nutrition Month is coming to an end, the importance of cultivating nutritional education extends far beyond the 31st of March. One of the most critical issues impacting today’s workforce is the prevalence of chronic diseases caused by poor nutrition—and the underlying causes that need to be understood.


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Reducing Workplace Fatigue with Low-Intensity Exercise

A cornerstone of any successful business is the concept that healthy, alert employees play a critical role in maintaining a standard of productivity and safety. When it comes down to it, lasting growth and success are truly dependent on individual wellness. Most companies have incorporated safety training into their monthly routine as a result of both state and federal regulations, which are in place to ensure these practices are being followed in order to prevent injury. (more…)

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Synovial Fluid—The Juice That Keeps You Loose

Synovial Fluid—The Juice That Keeps You Loose Most of us don’t really think about how we’re able to reach for this or bend down to grab that. We just do it. We don’t think about all the intricate parts of our bodies and how each must work in concert just for us to stand up. […]

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