warehouse worker pulling a box from a shelf

Ergonomic Material Handling:

Best Practices for Lifting and Carrying in the Warehouse

Warehousing, like maintenance, is one of the industries that involves a lot of repetitive motions, such as lifting and carrying. Ergonomic material handling is crucial in this industry to prevent long-term health issues and loss of productivity.

Today, we will look closer at proper lifting and carrying techniques you can employ in your warehouse to increase safety and efficiency.

Understanding Ergonomics in Lifting and Carrying Objects

Ergonomics is all about ensuring tasks fit the capabilities of workers, like hands in gloves. In terms of lifting and carrying objects in the warehouse, this approach focuses on using proper techniques to make the process more efficient.

Ergonomics can reduce costs in the warehouse by:

  • Optimizing workflow
  • Reducing physical strain
  • Reducing the risk of injuries
  • Improving overall productivity

Potential Harms of Incorrect Lifting and Carrying

Warehouse workers risk developing various types of injuries and musculoskeletal disorders without ergonomic material handling. For instance, one study showed that over 24% of young warehouse workers suffer from lower back pain.

There are other drawbacks to ignoring warehouse ergonomics, such as:

  • Higher healthcare costs
  • Decreased job satisfaction
  • Increased risk of accidents
  • Legal implications for the company
  • Reduced productivity due to injuries and time off work
  • Potential for chronic pain and other long-term health issues

All these issues can be avoided using proper lifting and carrying techniques in the warehouse.

Ergonomics for Lifting in the Warehouse

Preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) starts with lifting heavy objects correctly.

Here are the best practices for ergonomic material handling in the warehouse for increased safety.

Planning the Lift

Before lifting a heavy object, especially if it’s unwieldy to carry, like a piano, you must plan your movements and clear the path. Follow these steps:

  • Assess the object’s weight.
  • Ask a coworker for help if the object is too heavy.
  • Warm up before lifting to prepare your muscles.
  • Break the load into smaller parts if possible.
  • Make sure your path is clear.

Using Proper Lifting Techniques

The most important part of the process is to use proper lifting and carrying techniques. Follow these steps for ergonomic material handling:

  • Position yourself as near to the object as you can.
  • Bend at the knees and keep your back straight until you’re squatting.
  • Lift in one controlled motion.
  • Do not twist or turn your torso while lifting.
  • Use your legs and core muscles to lift. Don’t rely on your back muscles.
  • Hold the object close to your body to reduce the strain on your arms and maintain back health.

Maintaining Good Posture

You must also maintain good posture to ensure safety in the warehouse. Here is how you can maintain proper posture through ergonomic material handling:

  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Ensure you have a neutral spine by holding your shoulders back and chest forward.
  • Maintain an equal distribution of weight on both feet while holding the load.
  • Avoid leaning to one side.

Using Lifting Aids and Equipment

a person using a forklift to lift an object

You don’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself. If you have lifting tools and equipment available at your warehouse, you can use them to make the task more manageable.

Consider these factors in addition to using proper lifting and carrying techniques:

  • Invest in some of the following lifting equipment for ergonomic material handling:
    • Forklifts
    • Lift tables
    • Conveyors
    • Trolley jacks

Ergonomics for Carrying in the Warehouse

Lifting is only part of the process for warehouse safety. You must also know how to carry heavy objects properly to prevent overuse injuries.

Here are some of the best ergonomic practices for carrying objects in the warehouse.

Using Proper Carrying Techniques

After safely lifting an object, you must continue using the correct techniques to carry it to its destination. Here are the steps you can follow for ergonomic material handling:

  • Avoid twisting motions. If you need to turn, use your feet.
  • Hold the object near your body at all times.
  • Tuck in your elbows.
  • Take small steps.
  • Keep a good grip with all your fingers on the object.
  • Set the object down the same way you picked it up, but in reverse order.

Taking Breaks and Resting

Another crucial aspect of ergonomic carrying practices is taking breaks. Even if you employ proper lifting and carrying techniques, you must rest to let your body recover. Consider hydrating as well during your break.

If you feel fatigued during carrying, set the object down and rest for a few minutes. It’s best not to overdo it and risk getting injured. Consider these factors for ergonomic material handling:

  • Set a time limit for carrying objects and take breaks at regular intervals.
  • Alternate between carrying tasks and other less physically demanding activities.
  • Participate in workplace stretching programs to prevent stiffness and improve circulation.

Using Appropriate Footwear and Clothing

Lastly, you must wear the appropriate personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of injuries. Footwear and clothing fall under this category.

Consider these factors when choosing your work clothes:

  • Opt for footwear with cushioned soles.
  • Make sure they also have proper arch support.
  • Use gloves with padded palms to improve grip.
  • Your clothing must allow for freedom of movement.
  • They should fit comfortably without restricting your range of motion.
  • Support your lower back with assistive devices such as:
    • Back braces
    • Back support belts
    • Posture correctors

Implement Ergonomic Material Handling Practices in Your Warehouse

two warehouse workers carrying boxes

You can implement these practices and prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders in your warehouse by:

  • Training employees on proper lifting and carrying techniques
  • Conducting regular assessments of material handling tasks
  • Evaluate the efficiency of current practices and address potential hazards
  • Establishing safety protocols and encouraging open communication of safety concerns

Increase Warehouse Safety With BIOKINETIX

Educating workers about the potential risks of improper lifting and carrying techniques can create a safer work environment. Focus on the importance of ergonomic material handling, and you will notice your injury rates fall within months.

Do you need professional assistance to improve the safety of your warehouse? Our ergonomic experts at BIOKINETIX can help!

We employ science-based methodologies to deliver strategic services, enabling you to create the safest, most productive work environment and proactively prevent injuries.

Schedule a no-cost analysis today and transform your warehouse with BIOKINETIX.

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